
Tag Archives: photo



I´m there with my work “das Un·kraut <-s, Unkräuter>”


“Unkräuter sind Pflanzen der spontanen Begleitvegetation in Kulturpflanzenbeständen, Grünland oder Gartenanlagen, die dort nicht gezielt angebaut werden und aus dem Samenpotential des Bodens oder über Zuflug zur Entwicklung kommen. Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch ist das Hauptkriterium, um eine Pflanze als Unkraut zu bezeichnen, dass sie unerwünscht ist. Je nach Sicht des Betroffenen kann ein bereits eingetretener, zu befürchtender wirtschaftlicher Schaden oder ein ästhetischer Grund der Auslöser für das Störungsempfinden sein.

Die Auslegung des Begriffs Unkraut hängt stark vom subjektiven menschlichen Empfinden ab. So werden manche Pflanzenarten pauschal als Unkraut klassifiziert, obwohl diese Art nicht nur als Unkraut, sondern auch als Nutzpflanze, Heilkraut oder Zeigerpflanze auftreten kann. Zum Unkraut wird sie erst dann, wenn sie als „störend“ empfunden wird.1”

Das Fotoprojekt versucht eine subtile Parallele zwischen Migrant_innen und Unkräutern zu schaffen. Die Grenzen zwischen erwünscht und unerwünscht kann man nicht leicht definieren.

Als störend werden Migrant_innen dann empfunden, wenn sie ihren permanenten Aufenthalt in ein anderes Land verschieben, das politisch und vielleicht sozial auch nicht auf ihre permanente Präsens vorbereitet ist.

Das politische Unerwünschtsein macht keine Aussage über das Potenzial dieser Menschen. Der Blickwinkel auf Migrant_innen kann sich verändern, wenn man versucht das Potenzial zu sehen.








At Campus Fachhochschule Potsdam. Kiepenheueralle 8-9, 14469 Potsdam

Hauptgebäude – Galerie.

Until February 12, 2014.

Yesterday was the event Mobilising Communities. It took place at Betahaus, a co-working space in Berlin, and 6 projects were presented: Dawanda, Pfandtastisch helfen,, Mundraub, Stadtgarten and the Craftivist Collective.

I found everything very inspirational and some key ideas discussed were: open-source, commons, the relation with others online but, more important, offline, the just do it atitude together with the diy, “small” changes, urban spaces, accessibility, and back to craft, this slow way of life, with much more quality.

I was very happy to hear from Justin, from Stadtgarten and Mundraub, that he had never gardening before the project   : ) Well, I still have chances. Also liked when Sarah Corbett, from Craftivist Collective said that she always wondered what to do, how to help, while being so introverted (although I muss say she was speaking pretty confident there). It was very interesting to see some of the history behind Craftivism (craft +activism), when she showed a picture made by women during Pinochet´s dictatorship (which reminded me the documentary Nostalgia de la Luz).

Unfortunately, I didn´t find anyplace in my hometown Belo Horizonte, Brazil at the Wheelmap, so… Amigos de Belo Horizonte, todo mundo contribuindo para o Wheelmap!

At the end, there were some delicious food and drinks, and I got to know, through a guy who was wearing a t-shirt with “hack human kindness”* (I guess it was it) about an event, also held at Betahaus, called Random Hacks of Kindness, which is “a global community of innovators building practical open technology to make the world a better place”. Cool! The next one will take place on June 2nd, at Betahaus and you can register here.

A lot of inputs!

* actually the t-shirt was saying “Hacking for humanity”. Thanks, Christoph!

“You have had a Missed Connection.

And there is a whole world of people just like you, and a venue in which you and these other lost souls can collect these moments like rosary beads, communing over these simple pleas for the possibility of closeness.

The concept of a Missed Connection has its beginnings in the places where such moments often happen: public space. Bulletin boards, street posts, and other public platforms were once used to seek out these missed connections.

The Center for Missed Connections (CMC) began as a project simply to identify where the most missed connections happen in a given city. New York City is home to the pilot program, chosen for its high traffic and for the propensity of posters to include specific cross-streets or location information. Since then, the analysis has developed a thorough taxonomy of the Missed Connection and a method for identifying whether one has, in fact, had a Missed Connection. The CMC seeks to understand the longing, both poetic and banal, within public spaces”.


idee/inspiration für das “Ergebnis”


” Charlie Burns is 95 years old. He can be seen sitting in his car on Bacon Street watching the world go by pretty much every day. He has been here since 1915 and has never left. their business is very much a family run business and is still here today, run by his daughter Carol. He is a very well known and respected man in the area, having spent time with the likes of the Kray twins, Libererace… …and Judy Garland during his time as president of The Repton Boxing Club, aswell as running The Bethnal Green Mens Club. He even had a private audience with the Pope due to all the charity work he done in the area”.


via Unurth

“Mongkok might be one of the world’s most crowded places, but sometimes all you need to do to escape is to make a right turn down a quiet alleyway. That’s what I discovered when I was walking from home to the Flower Market the other day. Instead of taking the usual route along Sai Yee Street, I ducked into the laneway that runs behind it and discovered a kind of parallel university of greenery, graffiti and informal living space.

(…) Halfway down the alley is a Chinese altar, some cupboards and a rack of clothes. I’m guessing it’s used by the street sweepers who work around here. Inside the altar are cards representing the various Chinese gods; several lottery tickets are taped to the side. Ash from spent joss sticks covers the altar floor”.